Like what I make? Want fewer sponsorship ad reads? Consider contributing to my Patreon at Our series on British and Canadian NBCW/CBRN equipment concludes with a look at accessories carried by soldiers to maintain CBRN gear and to detect and treat the effects of chemical warfare agents. L1A1/C2 Chemical Warfare Detection Kits: NBCW/CBRN Series: Part I - M256A1 Chemical Agent Detector Kit: Part II - Canadian Cold War Gas Masks: Part III: Canadian/British NBCW/CBRN Suits: 0:00 Introduction 1:00 Anti-Dimming Outfit Mk.7 1:26 C3 Gas Mask Carrier Contents 1:45 Mustard Gas Countermeasures / RSDL Wipes 2:07 Nerve Agent Countermeasures (Combopens / NAPS tablets) 3:37 Liquid CW Agent Detector Papers 5:05 Nerve Agent Vapour Detector (NAVD) 5:35 Corrective Combat Spectacles 6:03 Decontamination Kits 6:56 Support Kit, Overhead Protection (SKOP) 7:25 Outro SOURCES: Canadian Armed Forces Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare Publication - Defensive Clothing and Equipment, 1960, Department of National Defence, Ottawa JSP 410 - Survive to Fight, Edition II, Command of the Defence Council, Ministry of Defence, 1990